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Wireless Call Alarm System

Jiayou Information Wireless Call Alarm System Platform is compatible with AM and FM (wireless) wireless calling terminals. Jiayou Wireless Pager is the leader in the field of callers. Combining its own brand features and advantages, it integrates a set of applications. In the hospital emergency alarm call system, I hope to contribute to the protection of medical safety, "Jiayou Medical Wireless Alarm Call System" was born. As an excellent product for emergency alarm in emergency situations, this system is quickly applied to protect In order to effectively protect the safety of medical staff, improve the efficiency of medical treatment, call data backup, storage, statistics, analysis, emergency response speed is 260 milliseconds. Jiayou wireless call alarm system sub-regional alarm, control center Alarm and mobile security personnel watches and related management personnel mobile phone alarms. Many customers have gone through multiple inspections, field tests and cost-effective pairs, and have chosen to install the "Jiayou Medical Wireless Alarm Call System Platform".